About Us
Click here for how to contact us..
Steve Flavel
is the Owner of Woody Point Pharmacy and has been for nearly 15 years..
Prior to Steve, Michael Larter owned the pharmacy for 33 years and before then Woody Point Pharmacy was Terry Whites first pharmacy
Steve is a multi-award winning pharmacist as is the pharmacy he owns...
Most recently, Steve was recognised as one of the Top 12 most Influential People in Pharmacy by the prestigious Australian Journal of Pharmacy 2022
He has previously been recognised with the same honour in 2019, which is the most recent survey prior, hence that's twice in a row..
Woody Point Pharmacy was a Top 10 Finalist in the Australian Pharmacy of the Year by the Pharmacy Guild
He has also won the National Presidents Award by the Pharmacy Guild for his recognised service for the pharmacy community
He is also a Local, State and National Award Winner of the Australian Defence Reserves (DRSC) Business Sector (2014) for his recognised services assisting the Defence Reserves force
Steve runs a facebook group solely for Pharmacy Owners in Australia who's mission is "Pharmacy Owners Helping Other Pharmacies"... where ideas are exchanged as how to best and most efficiently manage the many changes in the world of Pharmacy making the group serve as a collective thinktank for getting the job done and being there for our respective communities, breaking down the traditional thought processes of other pharmacy owners being 'the competition' and working together for the common good ultimately to more timely benefit our community...
Luke Howarth endorsed Woody Point Pharmacy in his maiden speech to parliament..