Vaccination Information

Thankyou for having your vaccination with us here at Woody Point Pharmacy... 

Please feel free to follow us on facebook via  

If you have just had your Covid Vaccination and would like to book in for your Influenza Vaccine click here 

Side Effects you may experience 

The most common side effects from either the Covid Vaccine or the Influenza Vaccine, usually go away after a few days but include the following

Serious Side effects are not at all common and in fact EXTREMELY rare. 

If you experience any serious side effects you should call 000 immediately.

Please read the full brochure below for more details

Here are some links for some specific vaccination Consumer Information Forms

Covid-19 Vaccination with Moderna  or Pfizer 

Specific Information about the Moderna BiValent Vaccine can be found here  

Specific Information about the Pfizer BiValent Vaccine can be found here 

Specific Information about the Influenza Vaccination can be found here  

Concerned about Side Effects? Read this info brochure from Queensland Health about what to expect.
