Cultural Awareness Policy
This policy applies to all employees of Woody Point Pharmacy.
Woody Point Pharmacy is situated on Yuggera country. We have a culturally diverse range of customers including but not limited to patients who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander as well as many with European and Asian backgrounds.
The purpose of this policy is to inform the employees of Woody Point Pharmacy and our wider community of our approach to cultural awareness and safety.
Cultural safety – cultural safety ensures that there is inherent respect and acceptance of cultural and individual differences. Unsafe practices are anything that diminishes, demeans or disempowers this notion.
Australia is a multicultural nation, home to people from many different cultural backgrounds. Having an understanding of how culture influences interactions and patient responses to healthcare is imperative to delivering high quality healthcare.
Cultural safety is about overcoming culture power imbalances of places, people and policies to contribute to improvements in health outcomes, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Providing a culturally safe environment requires an awareness and respect for the many cultures present in the community and a sensitivity to differences in values, beliefs and communication, influenced by a patient’s cultural background.
Woody Point Pharmacy is committed to creating an environment that is culturally safe and welcoming for patients from diverse cultural backgrounds, especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Woody Point Pharmacy and its employees will treat all patients with respect and sensitivity to cultural differences. Woody Point Pharmacy is committed to creating an environment where dignity, trust and respect are promoted and our diverse cultures celebrated.
In light of this, all employees shall receive training on cultural awareness:
o All staff are to read and be familiar with the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s “Guide to providing pharmacy services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people”, available here
o All staff are to receive education regarding communicating effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, available here:
The pharmacy itself will continually strive to employ staff that represent our local area and forge ties with local groups and organisations to better serve our community.
Other than for simple care, an interpreter should be used when providing care to a patient that has limited English proficiency. Staff members should be avoided as interpreters unless they are fluent in the desired language. Family members should also be avoided as interpreters to avoid misinterpretation.
Woody Point Pharmacy recommends utilising the Australian Government Translating and Interpreting Service:
Immediate phone interpreting via Australian Government Translating and Interpreting Service:
o 131 450
ATIS Automated voice-promoted immediate phone interpreting:
o Phone 1800 131 450
Interpreting & Translating Centre:
o 445 Upper Edward St, Spring Hill QLD 4000
o 1800 280 203
o 0417 233 369 (available 24 hours a day)
ATSICHS Brisbane – The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Services Brisbane
o 60 Ferry Road, West End QLD 4101
o 07 3240 8900
Aboriginal Health Workers – Yulu-Burri-Ba Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health
o 85 Edith St, Wynnum QLD 4178
o 07 3164 5800
ADIS – Metro North Hospital and Health Service
o Biala Building, 270 Roma St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
o 1800 177 833
Communify Bardon:
o 180 Jubilee Tce, Bardon QLD 4065
o 07 3510 2700
Mater Refugee Complex Care Clinic (MRCCC)
o Level 4, Salmon Building, Raymond Tce, South Brisbane QLD 4101
o 07 3163 2880
Centre for Multi Cultural Pastoral Care
o 333 Given Tce, Paddington QLD 4064
o 07 3324 3451
Multicultural Australia – Brisbane Multicultural Centre
o 28 Dibley St, Woolloongabba QLD 4102
o 07 3337 5400
Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland
o 253 Boundary St, West End QLD 4101
o 07 3844 9166